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CCF YOCSEF西安即将举办“PDF幻影:针对基于信息在线服务的内容掩盖攻击”报告会
2017-06-21 阅读量:744 小字


CCF Young Computer Scientists & Engineers Forum








13:30     签到

13:40     报告会开始

特邀讲者:Tao Liu  Assistant Professor, University of South Florida


执行主席:沈超    博士,西安交通大学副教授

                  CCF YOCSEF西安学术委员会委员

14:30     自由讨论和交流



PDF Mirage: Content Masking Attack Against Information-Based Online Services

This talk introduces our recent research results on PDF security. We present a new class of content masking attacks against the Adobe PDF standard, causing documents to appear to humans dissimilar to the underlying content extracted by information-based services. We show three attack variants with notable impact on real-world systems. Our first attack allows academic paper writers and reviewers to collude via subverting the automatic reviewer assignment systems in current use by academic conferences. Our second attack renders ineffective plagiarism detection software, particularly Turnitin, targeting specific small plagiarism similarity scores to appear natural and evade detection. In our final attack, we place masked content into the indexes for Bing, Yahoo!, and DuckDuckGo which renders as information entirely different from the keywords used to locate it, enabling spam, profane, or possibly illegal content to go unnoticed by these search engines but still returned in unrelated search results. Lastly, as these systems eschew optical character recognition (OCR) for its overhead, we offer a comprehensive and lightweight alternative mitigation method.


Dr. Yao Liu

Dr. Yao Liu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Florida. She received her Ph.D in Computer Science from North Carolina State University in 2012.

Dr. Liu's research is related to computer and network security, with an emphasis on designing and implementing defense approaches that protect emerging wireless technologies from being undermined by adversaries. Her research interest also lies in the security of cyber-physical systems, especially in smart grid security. She is an NSF CAREER Award recipient in 2016.


执行主席 沈超

沈超,西安交通大学副教授,教育部博士学术新人,CCF YOCSEF西安AC委员。2011年至2013年在美国卡耐基梅隆大学计算机系及机器学习系从事研究工作,围绕计算机与网络行为认知识别和安全分析的需求,开展智能手机行为分析与应用、人机交互行为分析、网络安全与脆弱的深度感知、可穿戴设备传感器数据分析、身份安全主动认证与入侵检测的研究工作。作为项目负责人和主要研究人员承担或参与国家自然科学基金4项,863课题3项,总参预研基金1项,以及陕西省自然基金等部委与企业项目6余项。研究成果发表论文30余篇,包括IEEE TIFSIEEE THMSACM CCSIEEE DSNICSE等重要国际期刊和会议,获得与申请专利12项,主持和参与研制了多个重要系统并应用于企业、安全、和部队系统。2013年获得全国特征识别大会最佳论文奖,2015年获得全国盲信号处理大会最佳论文奖。
